Risk Management
We have performed senior risk management roles in the 1st and 2nd Lines of Defence, including Group CRO and Global Functional leadership. The assurance we provide comes from our experience across products, markets, risk cultures and regulatory regimes. Specifically:

Credit Risk
Engaging with Board Level and external stakeholders to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental risks.
Managing credit portfolios through multiple cycles of stress.
Designing and implementing effective risk identification, measurement and stress testing frameworks.
Assessing model submissions (IMM, IRB, SACCR) for regulatory approval in multiple regulatory jurisdictions.
Ensuring optimal capitalization through accurate measurement and monitoring.

Market Risk
Ensuring understanding of complex risks at a senior management and Board level.
Directing 1st Line risk mitigation strategies through normal and stressed markets.
Designing market risk management frameworks.
Managing intraday market risks across liquid and illiquid markets.
Assessing and optimising model submissions (IMA, FRTB, SCVA).

Operational Risk
Assuring Senior Management and Board Level Executives on the resilience of their operational risk frameworks.
Validating the designs for resilience against unexpected operational risk events.
Advising on frameworks that ensure accuracy, timeliness and completeness of data.
Mentoring regional leadership on their engagement with Group level governance.
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